The ProTec Chronicles

The Line Less Traveled

Every week vacationing divers come up to me with the same question: “Can you give us directions for X line at Y  cave”. If I have determined that the dive they are asking for is safely within their scope of training and experience, I am happy to brief and explain...

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Can we do any better?

The motivation for writing this article was my recent conversation with David Mayor, a well-known explorer, cave diver and instructor in the area. We met at a dive site and started a casual talk, exchanging recent news and experiences. As everyone else working in the...

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Cave Diving in Switzerland

When people think of Switzerland they usually have chocolate, mountains, and watches on their mind – which, admittedly, was a big part of my life in earlier days. However, my last trip back to my home country gave me a chance to explore new corners of this tiny, yet...

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Plasma Torus

Discovery, exploration and connection In early 2022, a new cenote was scouted by Tristan Ternat. The cenote’s water was in a dry cave, entered by squeezing through a low entrance - about a meter of clearance, and then the cave opened up into a large dry gallery. This...

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Return to Corazón

Earlier this year I happened to be guiding a former student in Corazón del Paraíso. It was awesome to be back diving in that cave! Big tunnels really cool flowing haloclines, interesting decorations, and small silty passages. The cave is really varied! Being back...

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Instructor Q & A: Tamara

How long have you been at ProTec? I am Protec’s new addition to the team. The first time I visited was in 2018, as a local diver and instructor I was impressed! Fast forward to 2021, when I was asked if I’d join the team, there was only one possible answer! What’s...

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Instructor Q & A: Patrick

How long have you been at ProTec? Since 2007 as staff and since 2009 as part owner. What’s your favourite thing about working at ProTec? The family feeling of the team. To be surrounded by people who live for this and not just do it for money What is your...

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Instructor Q & A: Kim

How long have you been at ProTec? I have been with ProTec since 2011 when we opened a new center down in Tulum, I am one of the owners. What’s your favourite thing about working at ProTec? My favorite thing is to be surrounded by people with the same passion for...

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Instructor Q & A: Tamara

How long have you been at ProTec? I started with ProTec Tulum in 2016, What’s your favourite thing about working at ProTec? The opportunity to dive and learn from such accomplished divers in the industry. The team mentality and family feel is what is different about...

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Instructor Q & A: Jaime

How long have you been at ProTec? Since the 1st of April of 2015. What’s your favourite thing about working at ProTec? The opportunity to learn and grow, not only from the amazing team that feels like a family and by far the best bosses I ever had, but also from the...

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“They are truly amazing. I have been with them twice and am already looking into making a third trip with them! “

Matt C.