The ProTec Chronicles
Cave survey and cartography
Most cave divers may wonder at the beauty of cave maps and may even use them for cave dive planning but few have learned how to make cave maps. I recently taught yet another survey and cartography cave course with Dirk from Germany. We both used CCR Rebreathers as our...
Taking the CCR Sentinel cross over course
Taking the CCR Sentinel cross over the opportunity arose in March of 2010 when Nader Quarta from Switzerland came to Mexico to do some fine cave diving in the Riviera Maya. When we were setting up his dive trip he mentioned that he was coming with his Sentinel CCR and...
Cour Basic Sidemount
Un an après avoir terminer mon cours de Full Cave Diver chez Protec, je décide d’approfondir mes connaissances de plongée en grotte. Après de nombreuses discussions avec Patrick nous arrivons à la conclusion que la prochaine étape pour moi est le cour Basic Sidemount....
Taking the rEvo CCR cross over course
In mid January 2010 I took the rEvo CCR cross over course from Mel Clark. The rEvo is a relatively new CCR on the market and is produced in Belgium. There are three versions of the unit as the standard, mini and micro in the physical size of the unit. The unit is...
“John” Wayne takes on sidemount =)
I just finished up a great week with Wayne who came down for his third time in an effort to satisfy his cave diving addiction … The entire week was dedicated to sidemount diving. The first three days we spent setting up Wayne’s rig ensuring that he felt comfortable...
Hilfe, die Österreicher kommen…
Endlich war es soweit, meine erster Kurs mit Landsmaennern und Frauen und dann auch noch eine super Gruppe von der Tauchschule Traunsee. Veronika, Andreas, Ursula und Markus kamen den langen Weg vom kalten Österreich hierher in die Riviera Maya um ihre bereits breite...
Análisis de Accidentes y Motivación
Ya que los humanos han vivido en cuevas durante milenios, parece que hemos desarrollado un fuerte, a veces inconsciente, lazo con ellas. Las cuevas han provisto a los humanos de refugio del ambiente externo por largo tiempo. Cuando evolucionó la exploración de...
Deep cave exploration – a view from the logistical side
The continuing exploration of particular Cenotes, cave systems and sinkholes within the Yucatan Peninsula takes time in terms of divers committing to exploration with training and experience, the financial as well as the time burden that such explorations are coming...
A lot going on – keeping busy
The last weeks have been awesome, it started of with a basic Sidemount course, followed by a CCR experience, a multistage course, then Basic Cave DPV, an Intro to Cave course, taking some pictures with Matt and some guided CCR cave diving … I really like to do...
Configuración del Equipo
La parte más importante de un sistema de apoyo de vida eres tú y tu computadora principal que descansa sobre tus hombros, tu cerebro. Debes ser un buzo alerta y competente. Cada pieza del sistema de apoyo de vida debe ser seleccionada ya que tu vida...