Cave Diver

This course is designed for divers who already possess their Cavern Diver and Intro to Cave Diver certifications. It can be taught as a package with those courses or as a stand-alone addition for divers already certified in the prerequisites. Our cave diving instructors can teach this course in sidemount or Backmount. All training is conducted in the cenotes of Tulum or Playa Del Carmen.

In this course divers learn about navigation inside the cave. Quintana Roo is home to some of the most complex caves in the world. We teach you techniques that allow you to dive confidently. Divers will also learn to pass through minor restrictions independently whilst in single file formation, as well as whilst sharing gas and in touch-contact with a dive buddy during a simulated zero visibility drill. Divers will venture deeper into the cave, using the full rule of thirds to maintain adequate gas supply, should an out of gas emergency arise. Divers learn about the unique psychological challenges of diving in an overhead environment and how “distance stress” can present the farther the diver is from the cave entrance.

Our team of international cave diving instructors and explorers has been diving in caves all over the world including; Mexico, France, Italy, Madagascar, Bahamas, Florida, Dominican Republic, Australia, Haiti, Austria, Belize, Belgium, Alaska and many more locations. Being exposed to so many different conditions in underwater caves, our team can condense years of knowledge and experience into your class, making you a more rounded cave diver that is equipped for diving all types of caves and conditions.

With an average depth of 9m (30ft) – 12m (40ft) the caves of Mexico are the perfect place to hone your skills as a Cave Diver in sidemount configuration or backmount configuration. Considering this and the fact we will be using a more aggressive gas rule, you can expect for some much longer dives during this section of your training. Once we leave the mainline and venture off into the labyrinth of cave passages found throughout the area, we will expose you to new problems that might arise and give you the tools you need to work through these problems, and many more, in a safe and controlled setting.

Certification for this course is offered through PSAI Mexico. This course takes a minimum of 4 days to complete and is available to all Intro To Cave Divers or those with an equivalent certification. Alternatively, it can be combined with the Cavern Diver and Intro To Cave class for 9 days of training.


Course Content Includes:

  • Fundamentals of diving in the overhead
  • Equipment workshop sidemount or Backmount
  • Team diving and awareness
  • Dive planning considerations and execution
  • Passive and active team communication
  • Psychological aspects of diving in the overhead environment
  • How to safely and efficiently run a primary reel
  • Zero visibility protocol and procedure 
  • Gas sharing within the team
  • Understand your equipment including problem solving in gas failure situations in sidemount and Backmount
  • General emergency procedures and considerations
  • Learn navigation techniques to leave the mainline, including T’s, jumps and gaps
  • Passing minor restrictions both with and without visibility
  • How to set up and execute a circuit and traverse


Want to learn more about our services? Here are some Frequently Asked Questions.

ProTec offers various certification combinations on Backmount and sidemount to help you reach your cave diving goals. Check out our cave diver Training Tracks to help you plan your trip.



“Love this place, some of the best cave divers in the world teach here.”

Sabin R.
