The ProTec Chronicles

Plongée Spéléo!!!

Christian et Joffrey son deux plongeurs de Suisse romande (de la région de Yverdon-les-Bains, dans le canton de Vaud) habitués a plonger ensemble depuis plusieurs années. Il y a quelques temps, et après avoir enregistré plus de 500 plongées récréatives à tous niveaux...

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CCR cave cross over

I recently conducted a ccr cave cross over with Bill from Hawaii. The reason and purpose of the ccr cave cross over program is to combine ccr rebreather diving with cave diving. The term cross over is coming from the fact that a diver who had a cave diving education...

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Are you ready for diving?

MotivationSince the beginning of mankind, underwater excursions have held a special fascination. The uninitiated have often looked at the aquatic realm as an area unable to visit or explore. With over 70% of our planet being water it is a privilege to be able to...

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The Three MexiCan Caveketeers

I just finished a cave course with three guys from Guadalajara. After the whole swine flu disaster and flights canceling it was cool to be back in my normal day to day routine. The group consisted of Hector, Oscar and Juan David being the students and Santiago...

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Swine Flu in Playa del Carmen – México

I am sure you all have heard or read about the swine flu or Influenza A (H1N1) outbreak around the world. In the early stages Mexico came up with a large number of reported cases as well as fatalities. From the 159 reported fatalities in Mexico at the beginning it...

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Cave diving – Line protocols

Guidelines are the life lines within water filled caves. As long the visibility is good all is good and our vision will guide us toward the exit of the cave. It is when we lose all visibility that we are in need of the guideline to lead the way out of the cave, back...

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CCR cave diving – bailout

Bailout is the alternate path to the surface if our rebreather does not work anymore for any given reason such as a full flood, not trusting the unit anymore, flooded handsets, malfunctioning mushroom vales or electronics failure. The CCR Cave Diver has a variety of...

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“They are truly amazing. I have been with them twice and am already looking into making a third trip with them! “

Matt C.