One Polish Group, 6 Dpvs and a 17km dive!

by | Nov 15, 2009 | DPV, Equipment, Exploration, Sidemount, Travel

This project has been long time in the making. October 2008 was the first time Leszek and his guys where diving with me, only a couple of days to get back into Mexican cave diving. In February 2009 the team was back with a bunch of brand new Cuda dpvs and ready to scout dos ojos to see how the lines had changed since there last project in 2005. It was also used to train their side mount techniques utilizing multiple scooters and stages.
Now in October 2009 almost exactly 4 years later they had assembled a strong 7 man team to try and push their old distance. The first days where used for scouting as well as establishing procedures and protocols for the team. Leszek also tried different equipment configurations to determine which would work the easiest for his 10h run time. He went from back mount to side mount and even tried a “quad” (4 tanks on the back) but ended up deciding that side mount with additional stages would be the best compromise given that he was diving solo and the passage seize especially downstream of cenote monolito.

In the same time other team members where locating and cutting trails to different cenotes which would be used as possible bail out points. The day after the whole team including 4 Sherpa where taking off to cenote kentucky castle 1.3km in the dense jungle to scout the lines around this area as well as leaving some equipment staged for the big dive.

The day after we decided to take a brake and relax a little, which also gave me the time to prepare some   custom gas blends for the deep dives that followed in the Pit. These deep dives where the last missing puzzle pieces for the declared long distance dive that would start off with a deep drop at the short line right under the cenote.

Everyday passed in a very relaxed atmosphere with plenty of laughter and good spirits. Always with a cooler full of drinks and food and hammocks for the surface support to relax while waiting for the dive teams.

Finally the day had arrived and we started our day early at Cenote The Pit. In the days before we had finished dropping tanks, scooters and lights at predetermined locations through out the cave which would enable Leszek to travel the 17km without ever having to surface.
He started his journey with a drop to 72m before exchanging tanks in the dome and then taking off towards the passage named link. After reaching the end of the line there, he turned around and passed the pit once more on his way to tikin chi and afterwards to Cenote Kentucky Castle. There a team was positioned which informed the rest of us when Leszek was passing by. Then he made his way towards Cenotes M1 and M2 but was forced to turn as a collapse had made the passage too small for him to pass. Now he was on his way downstream and followed the lines up to the end of the LSD area and back. He was making good speed, reaching every waypoint at almost the exact previewed runtime. Half way through he passed the Main Entrance of Dos Ojos and now continued downwards to Cenote Monolito passing several other Cenotes on the way. There he changed his gear to slim down for the restrictions lying ahead. After almost reaching Cenote Hilario he truned back and finally surfaced slightly tired but happy in Cenote Esteban where the team greeted him and took his gear for the final 500m walk back to the cars. It was almost 10 o’clock at night and his Liquivision X1 marked exactly 558min after submerging.

A great achievement and the perfect end for an awesome project that lasted at the end for 12 days. I really had a nice time with genuine people that always smile and joke even after a 90min hike through the jungle with a 30kg backpack and 1.2million mosquitoes chasing them.

The team:
Leszek – dive leader
Remek – main support diver
Cisek – rescue expert and support diver
Mirek – support diver
Bogush – surface support and protection =)
Richard – surface support and equipment expert
Waldek – surface support and equipment expert
Patrick – logistics, transport and diving safety officer
Lucio – Equipment transport at Pit

This will definitely not be the last you heard from this extraordinary team as future projects are already planned

